Home Treatment - TMJ

Posted: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 | Posted by johnson | Labels:

Home treatment of TMJ is often a good option for mild to moderate cases of TMJ. As with any condition, it is always a good idea to consult with a physician before certain decisions regarding his treatment, but there are some simple things that you at home can alleviate the pain.

TMJ disorder is a condition where there are problems with the temporomandibular joint, the temporomandibular joint that connects the lower jaw with the skull. Usually theseProblems occur because the jaw is misaligned, but there are also many other causes of TM. If you are experiencing TMJ pain, do not worry because there are many treatments that are done to help get you the relief from pain.

As with any treatment that is not a house TMJ treatment may be permanent if careful procedures complied with every day. These are things like:

1. Proper nutrition for both ease the pressure on the teeth and the chewing made, andImprove general health.

2. Jaw exercises to rehabilitate and strengthen the jaw area.

3. Physical exercise to improve general health.

4. The use of topical treatments such as hot or cold packs or self-massage exercises.

When stress, such as teeth grinding or clenching, was the cause of the TMJ, the strategies to reduce the stress must also be carried out. Some of these stress relieving exercises include: anger and stress management techniques, generalExercise and relaxation techniques.

Home treatment of TMJ is very important in the search for pain relief and prevention of recurrence of disease of the temporomandibular joint. It is important to strengthen the appropriate muscles, and then claim to be the temporomandibular joint exercises ensure that the symptoms do not return.

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