For the treatment of sinus infection

Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | Posted by johnson | Labels: ,

Suffering from sinus infection can easily find now a day. For years, sinusitis affects 37 million people in America. Sinus is a cavity in the bone of the skull, which connects to the nostril. Stimulation in these caves because the air and mucus blocked. Therefore, it was called as sinusitis or sinusitis. The symptoms of sinus infection are cold, severe headache, fever, bad breath and many other ailments. The treatment of sinusitis includes antibiotics and the naturalRemedies. The regularity of the two treatments cure the infection quickly, and the repetition would be less.

Grandma's proposed treatment for sinusitis always work as magic. The treatment is the adoption of hot food and liquids that make rich in anti-oxidants. It includes tomatoes, spinach, berries, garlic, tea and chicken soup. Each host acts as a nutritional boost for the immune system and heats the mucosa. To wash away the mucus from the noserapidly.

The other treatment of sinus infection is the combination of one or two tablespoons of cider vinegar and a full glass of water. Gulp the mixture for three times a day. If you do not like its taste, then decide a different method. Open Apple vinegar bottle, and the breath of the fumes coming.

Warm the clogged areas with the help of hot water bottle, infrared lamp and hairdryer, air. In addition, a sine person can inhale steam from hot water or vaporizer.

RelieveSinus and nasal cavity with the aromatherapy. Add some 5-6 drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil in hot water and inhale the fumes. What is the treatment for sinusitis twice a day.

Antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections that kill. Thus it is quite a common system for doctors to prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of sinus infection. They also prescribe, nasal spray or nasal drops. It works effectively, but for the short-term period to mucous membranes and sinuses. After a while sinePain occurs. It does not mean that sine-infected person should cease to consult doctors. Drugs with natural home remedies always work wonders together.

Finally, it is for sinus pain is advisable to adopt such rules for the treatment of sinus infection.


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