Thick Discolored Toenails - Causes and Treatment

Posted: Thursday, November 5, 2009 | Posted by johnson | Labels: , , ,

Thick discolored toenails are a clear indication of fungus. While it is by impact damage to the nail or other trauma and are caused. But it is clearly an indication of a toenail fungus in trauma is not clear if or infect other toenails.

Nail fungus causes

It is important to understand the causes of the fungus. This is because you need to know how to prevent further, that the fungus, once you've successfully treated.

Toenail fungus causesthrough a variety of factors, but above all it is caused by the toe, exposed to moisture. Toenail fungus has a tendency to grow in places like public showers, swimming pools and gyms. Make sure sandals at these places if possible. Even if you dry out sweaty shoes make sure to leave before using it again. If you sweat a lot you need to buy thick socks absorbent. Try shoes that do not fit either wear too tight. Finally, toenail fungus could be caused by cutting the toenail alsoShortly smaller incisions can cause the toes open to fungal attack.

Toenail Treatment

When dealing with thick discolored toenails its best to start the treatment by a warm shower. This allows the nail to absorb moisture. At this point you should nail a small file. Be gentle and do not go overboard. Our goal is to remove a portion of the surface of the nail so that it can take the treatment better. Next you want to infect your nails dipBeer in 30 minutes twice a day. Beer, of course, fights fungus and I have seen amazing results with it. After your treatment beers I applied a natural topical treatment.

This combination of methods that helped me finally overcome my fungus. It took a little time and a little effort, but was well worth the effort.

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